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The Association for the rights of children and adolescents in Catalonia holds its annual meeting in EspaiPujades350

During the afternoon members of the board will review the activities that have taken place during the last year and those who they plan to carry out over the next 12 months.

For this event, the association has chosen one of the classrooms EspaiPujades350 for their strategic location in Barcelona and the accessibility of the facilities. In addition, the fact that all our spaces count with updated technical equipment has been very suitable for TIAC since its team has not had to worry about any of those details for its most important annual meeting.

The direction of the TIAC has also taken into account the extensive experience of our team in organizing events such as shareholders’ meetings and general meetings of professional groups and scientific associations.

In this event EspaiPujades350 also manages the access to the assembly of the representatives of the 23 organizations that make up the TIAC and among which include Save the Children, Barcelona Provincial Council or the Fundació Roger Torné.