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New year, new website

From you can now plan your event in detail from scratch. You can see panoramic photos of our facilities and their environment and put you in direct contact with our team, with over 20 years of experience in organizing events.

We have also created a new application that lets you know the possibilities of each of our spaces and find out what additional services you can hire. You can even tell us what furniture you would like to have and how you want it to be set. Once you send us your ideas, we will contact you.

From our new website, you can also find out about the other activities that make our customers and take good ideas that may be useful for your project. From our news section and our Twitter profile (@ EP350) and Facebook we will keep you informed of the most prominent events hold in Espai Pujades 350.

EspaiPujades350 is the agency for events management of Col·legi Oficial d’Infermeres i Infermers de Barcelona (COIB). We have over 20 years of experience in organizing events, especially in the field of health. Each year we manage around 150 events, conferences, congresses and meetings and also produce events that COIB offers to its community of 40,000 health professionals.