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EspaiPujades350 hosts 1st Jornada Empresa Saludable, the day of the healthy company

On 26 February, we will be hosting an important event at EspaiPujades350 about health in the work place it is the 1st Jornada Empresa Saludable, an initiative of Col•legi Official d’Infermeres i Infermers de Barcelona and Prevención Fremap.

empresasaludable, coib


This day we will discuss the promotion of health in the workplace with more than 200 specialists, politicians, businesspersons and professionals of health. The conference will display success experiences on the prevention of occupational hazards and diseases by companies that are committed to health as one of its central points of concern.
This event comprises three debates that will deal in the implementation of strategies oriented to the health of workers, the culture of prevention and nursing care giving.
EspaiPujades350 is in charge of the Technical Secretariat of the event, its technical organization and fundraising.