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Espai Pujades 350, referential space for Health events

EspaiPujades350 is becoming a referential space to host and develop health events. After the success of the ‘1st Jornada Empresa Saludable’ and the ‘9th Catalan Conference on Nursing Homes for the elder’, EspaiPujades350 is preparing the ‘Second Course of contraception for trainees on gynaecology and obstetrics’, organized by Societat Catalana de Contracepció, next April 10 and 11.


In this year’s calendar for Pujades there are several big events planned that deal with the professional field of health. Some of these are the Conference on Nursing specialities, Espai Trobada de Salut Mental, The biannual Conference of Catalan Midwives, Setmana Gran and Setmana Natural (dealing with the application of natural therapies on nursing).

It location in the innovation district of Barcelona, the 22@, implies a significant presence of companies specialised on medical technologies. The versatile character of EspaiPujades350 facilities- such as the auditorium, the terrace and the exhibition hall- are a suitable and adequate to meet the requirements of this type of events combined. Between 2013 and 2015 the company has increased by 50% rental its rental activity and event planning activities.